UN, Libya is not a safe port of disembarkation

Mazara del Vallo.(TP) Arrivo al porto dei 18 pescatori sequestrati in Libia (Mazara del Vallo - 2020-12-20, Alessandro Fucarini) p.s. la foto e' utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e' stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – According to a report compiled by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, the northern African country is not a safe port of disembarkation. While noting that violations against refugees and migrants in Libya continue unabated, including in detention centres, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated that Libya is not a safe country for asylum seekers. “Any refugees and migrants intercepted along the central Mediterranean route should be assigned a safe port of disembarkation, in accordance with the law of the sea, international maritime law, international human rights law, and refugee law,” the UN Secretary-General said. Guterres also called for rights-based alternatives to detention, including by establishing legal and policy frameworks to manage migration in line with international law. (ITALPRESS).

Photo Credits: www.agenziafotogramma.it

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